YASKAWA CIMR-VC4A0002BAA Frequency changer


The YASKAWA CIMR-VC4A0002BAA module is a frequency converter manufactured by YASKAWA in the V1000 series. It is mainly used to control the speed of three-phase asynchronous motor, widely used in industrial automation, machine tools, pump equipment and other fields.

Product name

YASKAWA  CIMR-VC4A0002BAA Frequency changer
Chinese: Yaskawa CIMR-VC4A0002BAA inverter
English: YASKAWA CIMR-VC4A0002BAA Inverter

YASKAWA  CIMR-VC4A0002BAA Frequency changer1
Product description
The CIMR-VC4A0002BAA inverter is a compact, high performance inverter that is easy to operate and powerful. It can realize stepless speed regulation of the motor speed, improve the efficiency of the motor, and provide a variety of protection functions to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the system.

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