TRICONEX 3721 Safety Instrumentation System (SIS) module


The TRICONEX 3721 module is a safety instrument system (SIS) module from Honeywell that collects analog signals and converts them into digital signals for safety instrument system processing. It is typically integrated into TRICO

TRICONEX 3721 Safety Instrumentation System (SIS) moduleNEX’s safety instrumentation system for process safety protection.

Product name and description
Product name: TRICONEX 3721 Analog input module

TRICONEX 3721 Safety Instrumentation System (SIS) module1
Product Description: This module is an essential part of the TRICONEX safety instrumentation system and is used to capture analog signals from field instrumentation, such as temperature, pressure, flow, etc., and convert them into digital signals for processing and analysis by the safety instrumentation system.
Main function
Analog signal acquisition: acquisition of analog signals from field instruments, such as 4-20mA current signals, 0-10V voltage signals, etc.
Signal conversion: The analog signal is converted into a digital signal for the safety instrument system to process.
Fault detection: It has the fault detection function, which can detect the fault of the module itself and the fault of the input signal.
Diagnosis function: Provides the self-diagnosis function to facilitate fault diagnosis.

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