XVC767AE102 3BHB007209R0102 ABB

XVC767AE102 3BHB007209R0102 ABB

The ABB XVC767AE102 3BHB007209R0102 has the following technical specifications:

Input Voltage:24V DC

Input Current:100mA

Output Voltage:24V DC

Output Current:500mA

Operating Temperature:-20°C to+60°C

Storage Temperature:-40°C to+85°C

Humidity:5%to 95%

Shock Resistance:15G

Vibration Resistance:2G

XVC767AE102 3BHB007209R0102 ABB

Product Description

The ABB XVC767AE102 3BHB007209R0102 is a type of electronic device designed for use in industrial automation systems. It is primarily used as an input/output module, providing users with a reliable and flexible way to connect various field devices to the system.

Technical Specifications

The ABB XVC767AE102 3BHB007209R0102 has the following technical specifications:

  • Input Voltage: 24V DC
  • Input Current: 100mA
  • Output Voltage: 24V DC
  • Output Current: 500mA
  • Operating Temperature: -20°C to +60°C
  • Storage Temperature: -40°C to +85°C
  • Humidity: 5% to 95%
  • Shock Resistance: 15G
  • Vibration Resistance: 2G

XVC767AE102 3BHB007209R0102  ABB


The ABB XVC767AE102 3BHB007209R0102 has the following parameters:

  • Number of Inputs: 8
  • Number of Outputs: 8
  • Input Type: Digital
  • Output Type: Digital
  • Input/Output Voltage: 24V DC
  • Input/Output Current: 500mA
  • Input Signal Delay: < 1.5ms
  • Output Signal Delay: < 1.5ms

XVC767AE102 3BHB007209R0102  ABB1


The ABB XVC767AE102 3BHB007209R0102 is a reliable and high-performance input/output module that is suitable for use in various industrial automation systems. Its technical specifications and parameters make it a versatile device that can be used in a wide range of applications.

XVC767AE102 3BHB007209R0102  ABB2

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