The ALSTOM MCGG22L1CB0753E is a product that falls under the category of circuit breakers. This circuit breaker is designed to operate in medium-voltage power distribution networks. The product has a rated voltage of 17.5 kV and a rated current of 630 A. It has a breaking capacity of 25 kA, which means that it can interrupt the flow of current in a circuit of up to 25 kA.
The circuit breaker is designed to operate in a wide range of temperatures, from -25°C to +40°C. It is also equipped with a number of features that make it reliable and safe to use. For instance, it has a mechanical indicator that shows the position of the contacts, as well as an electrical indicator that shows the condition of the circuit breaker’s trip coil.
The ALSTOM MCGG22L1CB0753E circuit breaker is also designed to be easy to install and maintain. It has a modular design, which means that it can be easily integrated into existing power distribution networks. The product also has a number of accessories that can be used to customize its performance and functionality.
In summary, the ALSTOM MCGG22L1CB0753E circuit breaker is a reliable and efficient product that is designed to meet the needs of medium-voltage power distribution networks. Its features and parameters make it a suitable choice for a wide range of applications.
product specifications are as follows:
- Model Number: MCGG22L1CB0753E
- Manufacturer: ALSTOM
- Type: Circuit Breaker
- Rated Voltage: 7.5kV
- Rated Current: 1250A
- Rated Frequency: 50/60Hz
- Short Circuit Breaking Capacity: 25kA
- Mechanical Endurance: 10000 cycles
- Electrical Endurance: 3000 operations
This product is designed for use in medium voltage electrical power distribution systems. It is a reliable and durable circuit breaker that can effectively protect electrical systems from overload and short circuits.
The ALSTOM MCGG22L1CB0753E is a high-performance synchronous motor designed for industrial applications. It is a 3-phase, 4-pole motor that operates at a voltage of 400V and a frequency of 50Hz.
The motor has a rated power of 75 kW and a rated speed of 1500 rpm. It has a high power density and a compact design, making it ideal for use in tight spaces.
The motor has a high efficiency rating, with an efficiency of up to 97.2%. It also has a low noise level, making it suitable for use in noise-sensitive environments.
The ALSTOM MCGG22L1CB0753E has a Class F insulation system, which provides excellent thermal protection and ensures reliable operation even in harsh environments. It also has a high degree of protection, with an IP55 rating, which means that it is protected against dust and water spray from any direction.
In conclusion, the ALSTOM MCGG22L1CB0753E is a reliable and high-performance motor that is suitable for a wide range of industrial applications. Its compact design, high efficiency, and low noise level make it an ideal choice for use in tight spaces and noise-sensitive environments.