PLC system

jdsu 2213-75TSLKTB Network test module

jdsu 2213-75TSLKTB

Product Details:
Country of Origin: USA
Minimum order quantity :1 item
Packaging parts: raw materials for new plant and separate packaging
Delivery time :2-3 working days
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jdsu 2213-75TSLKTB

The JDSU 2213-75TSLKTB is a network test module commonly used for maintenance and testing of optical communication networks. The module may contain test functions such as light source, optical power meter, optical switch, etc., to measure the performance parameters of the fiber link, such as optical power, optical attenuation, etc. In addition, it may also support multiple optical interface standards and wavelength ranges to adapt to different optical communication network applications.

Product parameters:

jdsu	2213-75TSLKTB Network test module
Manufacturer: JDSU (now acquired by Lumentum)

jdsu	2213-75TSLKTB Network test module1
Model: 2213-75TSLKTB
Type: Network test module
Test function: May include light source, optical power meter, optical switch, etc
Optical interface standards: Supports multiple optical interface standards, such as SC, FC, and ST
Wavelength range: Supports a variety of wavelength ranges, such as 850nm, 1300nm, 1550nm, etc
Accuracy: optical power measurement accuracy, wavelength accuracy, etc
Size: Refer to the product manual or official documentation for the specific size
Weight: For details, see the product manual or official documentation
Operating environment: For details about the temperature range, humidity, and protection level, see the product manual or official documents
Power supply voltage: depends on the specific configuration, usually DC power supply
Certification standards: comply with relevant industry standards and certification requirements

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