jdsu 2213-75TSLKTB Measurement module

jdsu 2213-75TSLKTB

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jdsu 2213-75TSLKTB

# jdsu 2213-75TSLKTB module

## Product name

jdsu 2213-75TSLKTB module

Product description

jdsu	2213-75TSLKTB Measurement module

The jdsu 2213-75TSLKTB module is a high-performance test and measurement module. It can be used for testing, performance evaluation and troubleshooting of optical fiber communication systems. With reliable performance and accurate measurement results, the module is suitable for a variety of fiber test applications.

Product parameters

jdsu	2213-75TSLKTB Measurement module1

– Module type: 2213-75TSLKTB
– Optical port: SC/UPC

jdsu	2213-75TSLKTB Measurement module2
– Working wavelength range: 1310nm-1550nm
– Test range: -70 DBM to +10dBm
– Power resolution: 0.01dB
– Optical fiber loss test accuracy: ±0.05dB

## Specifications

– Dimensions: 75mm x 40mm x 25mm
– Weight: 100g
– Power supply: DC 5V
– Communication interface: USB

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