EMERSON 1X00416H01 Electronic module

EMERSON 1X00416H01

Product Details:
Country of Origin: USA
Model: 1X00416H01
Minimum order quantity :1 item
Packaging parts: raw materials for new plant and separate packaging
Delivery time :2-3 working days
Payment: Bank transfer, Western Union

Contact: Han Fangting Sales Manager
Mobile phone: 18030042035
Website: www.changxindcs.com

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EMERSON 1X00416H01

# EMERSON 1X00416H01 module

Product name

EMERSON 1X00416H01 Electronic module

EMERSON 1X00416H01 module

Product description

EMERSON 1X00416H01 Electronic module1

The EMERSON 1X00416H01 module is a high-performance electronics module for a wide range of industrial applications. It has the advantages of high reliability, strong durability and stable performance.

## Product parameters

– Input voltage: 220V
– Output current: 10A
– Operating temperature: -40°C to 85°C
– Size: 10cm x 5cm x 2cm


EMERSON 1X00416H01 Electronic module2

– Brand: EMERSON
– Model: 1X00416H01
– Application field: Industrial automation

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