PLC system

B&R 8MSA3M.R0-42 Analog input/output module

B&R 8MSA3M.R0-42

Product Details:
Country of Origin: USA
Minimum order quantity :1 item
Packaging parts: raw materials for new plant and separate packaging
Delivery time :2-3 working days
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B&R 8MSA3M.R0-42

B&R 8MSA3M.R0-42 module, a 16-channel analog input/output module for B&R Automation Studio series PLCS.

Product description

B&R	8MSA3M.R0-42 Analog input/output module
The B&R 8MSA3M.R0-42 module has the following features:

B&R	8MSA3M.R0-42 Analog input/output module1

High precision
High reliability
Easy to install and use
Product parameter
Model: 8MSA3M.R0-42
Number of channels: 16
Input type: voltage, current
Input range: ±10V
Output type: voltage, current
Output range: ±10V
Resolution: 16 bits
Update rate: 1kHz
Rated voltage: 24V DC
Power consumption: <5W
Size: 80mm x 45mm x 25mm
Weight: 0.2kg
Product function
Input 16 analog signals
Output 16 analog signals
Multiple input/output types are supported
Provides high precision input/output

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