5X00622G01 EMERSON

5X00622G01 EMERSON

The following table provides detailed information about the parameters of the 5X00622G01 EMERSON product:

Parameter Value

Input voltage 24V DC

Operating temperature-40°C to 85°C

Output signal 4-20 mA


Response time<10 ms

5X00622G01 EMERSON

This document provides detailed information about the 5X00622G01 EMERSON product. The product is designed to provide high-quality performance and reliability for a broad range of applications.

Product Information


The 5X00622G01 EMERSON product is a state-of-the-art device that provides exceptional performance and reliability. The product is designed to operate in a wide range of environments and is ideal for use in demanding applications. The product features advanced technology that ensures high accuracy and stability, making it suitable for use in critical applications.

5X00622G01   EMERSON


  • High accuracy and stability
  • Wide operating temperature range
  • Easy installation and configuration
  • Robust design for reliable operation
  • Low maintenance requirements


The 5X00622G01 EMERSON product is suitable for use in a wide range of applications, including:

  • Industrial automation
  • Process control
  • Power generation
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Aerospace and defense

5X00622G01   EMERSON1

Product Parameters

The following table provides detailed information about the parameters of the 5X00622G01 EMERSON product:

Parameter Value
Input voltage 24V DC
Operating temperature -40°C to 85°C
Output signal 4-20 mA
Accuracy +/- 0.1%
Response time <10 ms


The 5X00622G01 EMERSON product is a high-performance device that is suitable for use in a wide range of applications. The product features advanced technology that ensures high accuracy and stability, making it an ideal choice for critical applications. With its easy installation and configuration, robust design, and low maintenance requirements, the 5X00622G01 EMERSON product is a reliable and cost-effective solution for your application needs.

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