5SHY3545L0016 3BHB020720R0002 3BHE019719R0101 GVC736BE101 ABB

5SHY3545L0016 3BHB020720R0002 3BHE019719R0101 GVC736BE101 ABB

The 5SHY3545L0016 is a product code for a specific ABB product. The 3BHB020720R0002 and 3BHE019719R0101 product codes are also ABB products. The GVC736BE101 product code is another ABB product. Each of these products has unique content and parameters that are important to understand.

5SHY3545L0016 3BHB020720R0002 3BHE019719R0101 GVC736BE101 ABB

This document provides essential information about ABB products, including their content and parameters. Customers can use this information to better understand the products and make informed decisions about their use.

The 5SHY3545L0016 is a product code for a specific ABB product. The 3BHB020720R0002 and 3BHE019719R0101 product codes are also ABB products. The GVC736BE101 product code is another ABB product. Each of these products has unique content and parameters that are important to understand.

Customers can find detailed information about each product’s content and parameters in the product documentation provided by ABB. This documentation includes technical specifications, manuals, and other resources that can help customers understand how to use the products effectively.

It is important for customers to carefully review the product information for each ABB product they use to ensure they are using the product safely and correctly. By understanding a product’s content and parameters, customers can make informed decisions about how to use the product, which can help optimize its performance and lifespan.

In conclusion, this document provides important information about ABB products, including their content and parameters. Customers can use this information to better understand the products and make informed decisions about their use. ABB provides detailed product documentation to help customers understand how to use the products effectively and use them safely.

5SHY3545L0016 3BHB020720R0002 3BHE019719R0101 GVC736BE101  ABB

Product Model Numbers:

  • 5SHY3545L0016
  • 3BHB020720R0002
  • 3BHE019719R0101
  • GVC736BE101

This document provides important information regarding the content and parameters of ABB products with the above mentioned model numbers.

Please refer to the product manual for detailed instructions on installation, operation, and maintenance.

5SHY3545L0016 3BHB020720R0002 3BHE019719R0101 GVC736BE101  ABB1

1. Before putting the voltage transformer into operation, it should be tested and inspected according to the specified items in the regulations. For example, polarity measurement, connection group, insulation shake, nuclear phase sequence, etc. [7].

2. The wiring of the voltage transformer should ensure its correctness. The primary winding should be connected in parallel with the tested circuit, and the secondary winding should be connected in parallel with the voltage coil of the connected measuring instrument, relay protection device, or automatic device. At the same time, attention should be paid to the correctness of polarity.

3. The capacity of the load connected to the secondary side of the voltage transformer should be appropriate, and the load connected to the secondary side of the voltage transformer should not exceed its rated capacity. Otherwise, it will increase the error of the transformer and make it difficult to achieve measurement accuracy.

4. Short circuits are not allowed on the secondary side of the voltage transformer. Due to the small impedance inside the voltage transformer, if the secondary circuit is short circuited, a large amount of current will occur, which will damage the secondary equipment and even endanger personal safety. Voltage transformers can be equipped with fuses on the secondary side to protect themselves from damage caused by secondary side short circuits. If possible, fuses should also be installed on the primary side to protect the high-voltage power grid from endangering the safety of the primary system due to faults in the high-voltage windings or leads of the transformer.

In order to ensure the safety of people in contact with measuring instruments and relays, the secondary winding of the voltage transformer must have one point grounded. Because after grounding, when the insulation between the primary and secondary windings is damaged, it can prevent high voltage in the instruments and relays from endangering personal safety.

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