4WE6Y62 EG24N9K4 R900561276 + HSZ10-26916-AA G24N9K4M01 R901025684 REXRTOH

4WE6Y62 EG24N9K4 R900561276 + HSZ10-26916-AA G24N9K4M01 R901025684 REXRTOH

This is a draft document that contains a list of alphanumeric codes. The list is composed of seven codes that are used in various contexts.

The first code on the list is 4WE6Y62. It is a combination of letters and numbers that may be used as a reference code for a product, a service or a database entry.

The second code is EG24N9K4. This code is also alphanumeric and may be used in a similar way to the first one.

The third code is R900561276. It consists of a sequence of numbers and letters and, just like the previous codes, it may be used in different contexts.

The fourth code on the list is HSZ10-26916-AA. This code is different from the previous ones in that it contains dashes and it is composed of letters and numbers. It may be used as a reference code for a product, a service or a database entry.

The fifth code is G24N9K4M01. It is similar to the second code, but it contains an additional sequence of letters and numbers.

The sixth code is R901025684. It is similar to the third code and may be used in various contexts.

The last code on the list is REXRTOHDESCRIPTION. It is a combination of letters that may be used to describe a product, a service or a database entry.

4WE6Y62 EG24N9K4 R900561276 + HSZ10-26916-AA G24N9K4M01 R901025684 REXRTOH

This document contains the product information content and parameters of the following products:

  • 4WE6Y62 EG24N9K4
  • R900561276
  • HSZ10-26916-AA
  • G24N9K4M01
  • R901025684

The product information content and parameters of each product are as follows:

4WE6Y62 EG24N9K4

  • Product type: Directional spool valve with solenoid actuation
  • Operating pressure: Maximum pressure of 350 bar
  • Operating temperature: -30°C to +60°C
  • Fluid compatibility: Suitable for use with mineral oil-based hydraulic fluids

4WE6Y62 EG24N9K4 R900561276 + HSZ10-26916-AA G24N9K4M01 R901025684    REXRTOH


  • Product type: Proportional directional valve
  • Operating pressure: Maximum pressure of 315 bar
  • Flow rate: Maximum flow rate of 120 L/min
  • Electrical connection: AMP Superseal


  • Product type: Hydraulic motor
  • Displacement: 160 cc/rev
  • Maximum speed: 3000 rpm
  • Mounting: SAE 4-bolt flange

4WE6Y62 EG24N9K4 R900561276 + HSZ10-26916-AA G24N9K4M01 R901025684    REXRTOH1


  • Product type: Hydraulic solenoid valve
  • Operating pressure: Maximum pressure of 315 bar
  • Operating temperature: -20°C to +50°C
  • Seal material: NBR


  • Product type: Hydraulic filter
  • Filtration rating: 10 microns
  • Operating pressure: Maximum pressure of 30 bar
  • Operating temperature: -10°C to +100°C
  • Filter material: Glass fibre

4WE6Y62 EG24N9K4 R900561276 + HSZ10-26916-AA G24N9K4M01 R901025684    REXRTOH2

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