4WE6Y62 EG24N9K4 R900561276 + HSZ10-26916-AA G24N9K4M01 R901025684 REXRTOH
This document contains the product information content and parameters of the following products:
- 4WE6Y62 EG24N9K4
- R900561276
- HSZ10-26916-AA
- G24N9K4M01
- R901025684
The product information content and parameters of each product are as follows:
4WE6Y62 EG24N9K4
- Product type: Directional spool valve with solenoid actuation
- Operating pressure: Maximum pressure of 350 bar
- Operating temperature: -30°C to +60°C
- Fluid compatibility: Suitable for use with mineral oil-based hydraulic fluids
- Product type: Proportional directional valve
- Operating pressure: Maximum pressure of 315 bar
- Flow rate: Maximum flow rate of 120 L/min
- Electrical connection: AMP Superseal
- Product type: Hydraulic motor
- Displacement: 160 cc/rev
- Maximum speed: 3000 rpm
- Mounting: SAE 4-bolt flange
- Product type: Hydraulic solenoid valve
- Operating pressure: Maximum pressure of 315 bar
- Operating temperature: -20°C to +50°C
- Seal material: NBR
- Product type: Hydraulic filter
- Filtration rating: 10 microns
- Operating pressure: Maximum pressure of 30 bar
- Operating temperature: -10°C to +100°C
- Filter material: Glass fibre