1C31227G01 EMERSON

1C31227G01 EMERSON

The EMERSON 1C31227G01 product has the following parameter specifications:

Operating Voltage:24VDC

Operating Temperature:-20 to 60 degrees Celsius

Power Consumption:10W

Input Signal Range:0-10VDC,4-20mA

Output Signal Range:0-10VDC,4-20mA

1C31227G01 EMERSON

This document provides detailed information regarding the content and parameter of the EMERSON product with model number 1C31227G01. The product is designed and manufactured by EMERSON Electric Co. and is used in various industrial applications.

Product Content

The EMERSON 1C31227G01 product contains the following components:

  • Power Supply Module
  • Digital Input Module
  • Digital Output Module
  • Analog Input Module
  • Analog Output Module

1C31227G01  EMERSON

Product Parameter

The EMERSON 1C31227G01 product has the following parameter specifications:

  • Operating Voltage: 24VDC
  • Operating Temperature: -20 to 60 degrees Celsius
  • Power Consumption: 10W
  • Input Signal Range: 0-10VDC, 4-20mA
  • Output Signal Range: 0-10VDC, 4-20mA

1C31227G01  EMERSON1


In conclusion, the EMERSON 1C31227G01 product is a robust and reliable solution for industrial applications. The product’s content and parameter specifications make it suitable for a wide range of applications.

1C31227G01  EMERSON2

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