0399085B 0303440C+0303458A FOXBORO

0399085B 0303440C+0303458A FOXBORO

The FOXBORO 0399085B 0303440C+0303458A product has the following parameters:

Measurement range:0-100 psi

Process temperature range:-40 to 85°C

Output signal:4-20 mA

Power supply:12-45 VDC

For more information about the FOXBORO 0399085B 0303440C+0303458A product,please refer to the user manual or contact the manufacturer.

0399085B 0303440C+0303458A FOXBORO

This document provides comprehensive information about the FOXBORO 0399085B 0303440C+0303458A product, including its content and parameters.


The FOXBORO 0399085B 0303440C+0303458A product includes the following components:

  • 0399085B transmitter
  • 0303440C sensor
  • 0303458A adapter

0399085B 0303440C+0303458A  FOXBORO


The FOXBORO 0399085B 0303440C+0303458A product has the following parameters:

  • Measurement range: 0-100 psi
  • Process temperature range: -40 to 85 °C
  • Output signal: 4-20 mA
  • Power supply: 12-45 VDC

For more information about the FOXBORO 0399085B 0303440C+0303458A product, please refer to the user manual or contact the manufacturer.

0399085B 0303440C+0303458A  FOXBORO1

The FOXBORO 0399085B 0303440C+0303458A is a pressure transmitter that is used to measure and monitor pressure in various industrial processes. It is designed to provide accurate and reliable measurements in harsh environments and is widely used in oil and gas, chemical, and power generation industries.

The 0399085B model features a compact and rugged design that makes it suitable for installation in tight spaces. It has a measuring range of 0-100 psi and is capable of measuring pressure with an accuracy of +/- 0.25% of full scale.

The 0303440C and 0303458A models are pressure sensors that are used in conjunction with the 0399085B transmitter to provide accurate and reliable pressure measurements. The 0303440C sensor is designed to measure gauge pressure while the 0303458A sensor is designed to measure absolute pressure.

Both sensors feature a compact and rugged design that makes them suitable for installation in tight spaces. They have a measuring range of 0-100 psi and are capable of measuring pressure with an accuracy of +/- 0.25% of full scale.

In summary, the FOXBORO 0399085B 0303440C+0303458A pressure transmitter and sensors provide accurate and reliable pressure measurements in harsh industrial environments, making them an essential component in many industrial processes.

0399085B 0303440C+0303458A  FOXBORO2

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