0399071D 0303440C+0303443B FOXBORO

0399071D 0303440C+0303443B FOXBORO

The following parameters are associated with the FOXBORO 0399071D 0303440C+0303443B product:

-Measurement range:0-100 psi

-Maximum working pressure:3000 psi


-Output signal:4-20 mA

-Power supply:12-42 VDC

-Operating temperature range:-40 to 85 degrees Celsius

-Process connection:1/4 inch NPT

It is important to note that these parameters may vary depending on the specific model of the product.Always refer to the product manual for detailed information.

0399071D 0303440C+0303443B FOXBORO

The FOXBORO 0399071D 0303440C+0303443B is a product commonly used in industrial automation and control systems. This product is designed to provide reliable and accurate measurement and control of various process parameters such as temperature, pressure, and flow.

Some of the key features of the FOXBORO 0399071D 0303440C+0303443B include:

  • High accuracy and precision
  • Wide operating range
  • Robust and durable design
  • Easy to install and operate
  • Compatible with various communication protocols

0399071D 0303440C+0303443B  FOXBORO

The FOXBORO 0399071D 0303440C+0303443B is also equipped with advanced diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities, which make it easy to identify and resolve any issues that may arise during operation.

In terms of parameters, the FOXBORO 0399071D 0303440C+0303443B can measure:

  • Temperature: from -200 to 600°C
  • Pressure: up to 10,000 psi
  • Flow: up to 10,000 gpm

the FOXBORO 0399071D 0303440C+0303443B is a reliable and versatile product that can be used in a wide range of industrial applications. If you are looking for a high-quality measurement and control solution, this product is definitely worth considering.

0399071D 0303440C+0303443B  FOXBORO1

The FOXBORO 0399071D 0303440C+0303443B is a type of pressure transmitter used in industrial processes. It is designed to measure and transmit pressure readings from a process to a control room or other monitoring device.

The 0399071D model is a differential pressure transmitter, which means it measures the difference in pressure between two points in a system. The 0303440C and 0303443B are the two subassemblies that make up the transmitter.

The 0303440C is the sensor assembly, which contains the pressure sensing element and the electronic circuitry that converts the pressure reading into an electrical signal. The 0303443B is the amplifier assembly, which amplifies the electrical signal and transmits it to the control room or monitoring device.+

0399071D 0303440C+0303443B  FOXBORO2

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