KONTRON 886LCD-M/mITX Embedded motherboard


The Kontron 886LCD-M/mITX module is an embedded motherboard based on the Mini-ITX specification, designed for industrial applications. It integrates core components such as processor, memory and graphics chip, and provides rich interfaces, which is suitable for various embedded systems. This module is widely used for its reliability, stability and rich extensibility.


Product parameters and specifications (general) :
Processor: Intel Pentium M or Celeron M processor (mPGA478 slot)

KONTRON	886LCD-M/mITX Embedded motherboard
Chipset: Supports Intel chipsets
Memory: Supports DDR SDRAM
Graphics: Integrated Intel Extreme Graphics
Interface: SATA, USB, PCI, COM, audio, etc

Operating system: Windows, Linux, etc
Application temperature range: Suitable for industrial environment
Main features:
High performance: With high performance processor, can meet a variety of application requirements
High reliability: Industrial grade certification, suitable for harsh environments
Strong scalability: provides a rich interface, easy to expand
Low power consumption: Low power consumption design to reduce energy consumption
Modular design: easy system integration

KONTRON	886LCD-M/mITX Embedded motherboard1
Main applications:
Industrial automation: Human Machine interface (HMI), data acquisition, process control
Network equipment: router, firewall, gateway
Medical equipment: medical imaging equipment, diagnostic equipment
Transportation: on-board computer, train control system

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