ABB 5SHY35L4520 IGBT module

ABB 5SHY35L4520

The ABB 5SHY35L4520 module is an IGBT module that belongs to ABB’s family of high-voltage power semiconductors. An IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) is a power semiconductor device that combines the high current drive capability of a bipolar transistor with the high input impedance of a MOSFET. The 5SHY35L4520 module is usually used in power electronic systems, such as frequency converters, inverters, motor drivers, etc., to achieve efficient control of high-power electrical energy.

Product description

ABB	5SHY35L4520 IGBT module
The 5SHY35L4520 module has the characteristics of high voltage, high current, fast switching, etc., and can operate reliably in harsh industrial environments. It is usually packaged in a separate module, including the IGBT chip, the drive circuit and the heat sink. The module can be combined with other power electronic devices to form a complex power electronic system.

Main parameters and specifications

ABB	5SHY35L4520 IGBT module1
Model: 5SHY35L4520
Type: IGBT module
Rated voltage: 3300V
Rated current: 4500A

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