ABB 3BHE014135R0011 Industrial automation module

ABB 3BHE014135R0011

The ABB 3BHE014135R0011 module is an industrial automation component produced by ABB, which is usually used in ABB’s AC800PEC controller. Based on its model and position in ABB’s product line, we can infer its functions and characteristics.

Product name resolution

ABB	3BHE014135R0011 Industrial automation module
ABB: The world’s leading power and automation technology group.
3BHE014135R0011: An internal ABB model that represents a specific industrial automation component.
Possible uses and functions of the product

ABB	3BHE014135R0011 Industrial automation module1
Based on similar models in ABB’s product line, we can speculate that the 3BHE014135R0011 module may be a combined I/O module.

Combined I/O module: integrates various types of input/output interfaces, such as digital input, digital output, analog input, analog output, etc., for connecting various field devices.
Product parameters (estimated)
Since there are no official detailed parameters, here are some possible parameter ranges for reference:

Input/output type: digital input, digital output, analog input, analog output
Number of channels: The number depends on the model and configuration

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