B&R 8LSA55.EB030D200-1 Automation module

B&R 8LSA55.EB030D200-1

Product Details:
Country of Origin: USA
Minimum order quantity :1 item
Packaging parts: raw materials for new plant and separate packaging
Delivery time :2-3 working days
Payment: Bank transfer, Western Union

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B&R 8LSA55.EB030D200-1

Product name: B&R 8LSA55.EB030D200-1 module

Product Description:

B&R	8LSA55.EB030D200-1 Automation module

The B&R 8LSA55.EB030D200-1 module is a high performance automation module, which is widely used in various industrial automation systems and equipment. It uses advanced technology and high-quality materials, with good stability, superior performance, long service life and other characteristics.

Product parameters:

B&R	8LSA55.EB030D200-1 Automation module1

– Model: 8LSA55.EB030D200-1
– Brand: B&R
– Material: High quality material
– Use environment: Industrial automation


B&R	8LSA55.EB030D200-1 Automation module2

– Size: depends on the model
– Weight: depends on the model

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