ABB SYN5202-0277 3BHB006715R0277

ABB SYN5202-0277 3BHB006715R0277

Based on the search results, the following is information about ABB SYN5202-0277 3BHB006715R0277 module in English:

Product Overview:

Product Name: ABB SYN5202-0277 Module
Manufacturer: ABB
Category: Synchronizing Device, Synchrocheck Relay
Product Description:

The module is a synchronization device in ABB’s SYNCHROTACT® family.
It is mainly used for synchronous operation in the power system to ensure the safe connection between the generator and the grid or between two grids.
Specifically, the SYN5202-0277 is an automatic dual-channel synchronizer with a communication function for synchronizing generators and power networks.
This device is used for synchronizing generators and power networks.
Key Features and Specifications:

Based on available information:

Synchronization check and automatic synchronization.
Voltage, frequency and phase Angle comparison.

ABB	SYN5202-0277 3BHB006715R0277
Circuit breaker control.
Automatic dual channel synchronizer.
Technical Details:
It belongs to the ABB SYNCHROTACT® family.
Part number: 3BHB006715R0277
Automatic Dual Channel Synchronizer.
To get very specific specifications, it is always best to consult the official ABB documentation.
The power plant.
The substation.
Industrial power systems.

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